Hand Tears and CrossFit: How to prevent, treat, and work around torn up hands. Ripped hands are common occurrence in any box and something of a rite of passage for the uninitiated crossfitter. You’ve probably seen pictures of them on your friends’ social media streams in t
I’ve been coming here and dragging my body back into shape for a while. It’s fun but don’t let anyone fool you, it’s hard work. The coaches are supportive, well-trained, and work with you to keep you safe and coming back to improve and get strong. No yelling, just encouragement. -Lisa
It has been shown that people who write down their goals are more likely to achieve them than people who do not write them down. But where do you start? It’s not easy. Goal setting is a process; it takes practice, and not all goals are created equal. The first step would be to WRITE i
Congratulations to our May 2015 Athlete of the Month! Name: Elizabeth Knight Age: 34 Tell us a little bit about yourself. I’ve been married for 13 years. I really enjoy reading, watching live music and spending time with my husband just hanging around the house or at the
It’s that time of year again! One-Rep Max Testing! We are really amped to provide you all with the opportunity to test your 1 RM, and have a tangible number to work off of for the next few months of training. However, it is also a very intense form of lifting, and because it is litera
Integrity is defined as the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. This of course can and should be applied to everything we do in life including our daily WOD. Most of us have come across a situation in which maybe you were competing with a friend and both of you