CrossFit Hays » Goal Setting: Where do I start?

Goal Setting: Where do I start?

Goal Setting

It has been shown that people who write down their goals are more likely to achieve them than people who do not write them down. But where do you start? It’s not easy. Goal setting is a process; it takes practice, and not all goals are created equal.

The first step would be to WRITE it down! This holds you accountable. Make sure you share your goals with others so they can help keep you on track. We have a dry erase board dedicated for you to write them down. Feel free to write as many as you want on there.

Think about what you really want to achieve and make sure it comes from within yourself. Your goal should be personal and meaningful to you, not something that someone else may want for you. To help you create your goals, use the SMART abbreviation:

S – Specific

M – Measurable

A – Achievable

R – Realistic

T – Timely

  •  Be specific and detailed. You’ll want to give yourself dates and deadlines so you can make sure you are staying on track and measuring your progress.
  • Make your goal measurable and achievable. You don’t want to set yourself up for failure by writing down an un-achievable goal. Saying you want to “get stronger” or “lose weight” is too general. You can’t measure that change in the end. You should say “I want to be able to perform 5 strict pull-ups or lose 10 pounds in 5 months”.
  • Be realistic. If you want to increase your squat by 20lbs, it’s not going to happen after one day of squatting. Be sure you have a plan in place. Talk to your coaches and have them help you find ways to achieve your goals; in the right amount of time and stay motivated.
  • Think about and plan HOW you will reach your goals. Outline all of the benchmarks that you will need to hit. Setting benchmarks will allow you “little victories” (positive reinforcement) that will remind you that you are well on your way to achieving what you want.
  • Build a team or support group around you. This is easy because you already have a huge support system right here at CrossFit Hays! Your coaches and fellow members are here to help you along the way.


And remember, if you have a setback, shake it off and get back on track. Missing one workout or eating a whole cheesecake by yourself will only derail your progress if you let it! Look at your goals again and resolve to do better.

Now, I challenge everyone to come up with your own personal fitness goals, share them on the dry erase board, and let’s get to it!

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